Dear friends,
Roughly 170,000 people are going to hell every single day without a relationship with Jesus Christ. As the new full-time video director at OneWay, I get to help reduce that number. I am so thankful to God that He gave me this opportunity to serve His Kingdom and that He answered my prayers of finding a ministry that uses my gifts and skills for Him. Let me tell you how I got here:
In December 2023, I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from the Moody Bible Institute! Throughout my time there, my love for the Lord grew stronger, and my passion for media ministry truly came to fruition.
As my time at Moody Bible Institute came to an end, finding a job and being able to confidently say, “This is where the Lord is calling me” became a major priority for me. I knew that God had given me skills of audio, photography, video, and music, but I did not know where that would take me in my life. I knew that going into ministry was what my heart (and ultimately the Lord) was telling me to do, I just did not know where that would be.
In the Summer of 2023, I had the opportunity to be a video specialist intern for OneWay Ministries. I was part of an incredible team that produced and edited 100 videos
within 70 days as part of OneWay’s Prayercast Ministry.
This experience was eye-opening and extremely affirming of what I wanted to do with my life. I learned more skills in video editing and videography, and I was able to build amazing relationships with the other interns and staff members. Doing the Lord’s work alongside these people was an experience that left me craving to use my skills for Him and His Kingdom.
Being in Chicago for the past few years and participating in OneWay’s internship program has allowed my creative skills to shine and become a huge part of who I am as a child of God. In today’s modern world, the use of media has become an everyday thing for people. I believe that spreading the Word of God and fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) is my purpose here on this earth and that God has given me my particular set of skills to achieve this.
This role allows me to tell people who desperately need to hear about the Lord through media like Prayercast, a ministry designed to activate prayer for the lost and the unreached. I would love for you to be part of this mission with me!
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me to advance the Kingdom of Christ?
Serve as a Video Editor to produce audio/visual projects to help reach people for Christ
Create and edit artistically-flavored videos to rally the global Church to pray for the nations
Use my skills in drone photography on projects that creatively advance the Gospel
Help visioncast new media projects to strategically reach the unreached

Would you be willing to pray for me and for OneWay? If you feel led to become a financial supporter of my ministry with a monthly or special gift, here a few avenues:
By check: Mail a check payable to OneWay Ministries to OneWay Ministries at PO Box 2211 Naperville, IL 60567.
Attach a note to your check designating it Isaac Mitchell Support.