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It is said that water is life, and no one can live without water.

Countless villages in Northern Ghana lack clean drinking water. One such village is located in the East Mamprusi District, where the chief and elders have a long history of rejecting attempts to preach the gospel. They have refused to let the Jesus Film to be shown, and have expressed vehement opposition to a church being planted in their village.

When our OneWay Africa team heard about this community, they decided to include it on the list of villages that could benefit from the distribution of the water filtration units. They didn’t know if the gift of clean water would be accepted, but they prayed and trusted, believing that acts of compassion surely have power to touch hearts.

Finally, the day to attempt the gift came. They drove a long distance to get to the village and met the chief and his people. They presented the chief with a water filter and a BiblePlus+ audio player, both of which he gladly accepted.

Christmas was around the corner, but the villagers had no idea what Christmas was. That day, though, the team told them the Christmas message for the first time and shared that the gifts we had given them were a token of the love of Christ. To their great joy and gratitude, each household received a water filter.

The chief went on to share that his village had no source of clean water and that their biggest need was a borehole. In response, we connected this village with the Agape New Testament Church, a local church in the region. This church plans to dig a borehole for the community to provide them with a source of clean water. We pray that this will lead to many more opportunities to proclaim the gospel and plant a church in this unevangelized village.

We praise the Lord that clean water has helped to make a way for this village to know Jesus Christ, the Living Water! And we say a big thank you to those who have generously given to make all of this possible!

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