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HECTOR'S GRAVE: One ministry partner's recent brush with death

Monique Koszty

As the Wihta Tara, Hector Williams is the leader of the entire Miskitu people group.
Hector Williams is the Wita Tara, or "Supreme Judge" of the entire Miskitu people group.

The doctor said Hector Williams only had days to live. His family prepared his grave and waited to say goodbye to the husband, father, grandfather, friend and Wita Tara of the Miskitu people of Nicaragua and Honduras.

A valued OneWay ministry partner, Hector Williams, lives in Nicaragua with his wife of 45 years surrounded by his five children and 18 grandchildren.

Back in 2007, OneWay's Equipping Evangelist introduced the concept of Bible Storytelling to Hector. He was so excited that he gathered a team of four others and began to teach it in the Miskito villages. He even told Bible stories during political events. Over time, Hector and his team trained hundreds of people. He remains a treasured ministry partner of our Gospel Advance team to this day.

That’s why many prayers were lifted when, in June of 2020, Hector became ill with the COVID virus. After eight days of self-treatment at home, he was admitted to a hospital. Two days later, he was put on a ventilator as his life hung in the balance.

After seven days, Hector begged to go home and be closer to his family.

Though his doctor predicted Hector would not survive the illness, he agreed to discharge Hector if he could get access to oxygen. A close friend and member of his ministry team, Carlos Coffin, helped to acquire the oxygen, and after twelve days in the hospital, Hector returned home.

Hector's grave resides in his home town, Puerto Cabezas, or as the Miskitu call it, "Bilwi."

Even though a grave had been prepared for him, by God’s grace, Hector began to recover. Days after going home, Hector received news of the passing of both his father and brother-in-law from one another (not from COVID). Even in the face of this tragic news, he continued to recover.

“When I get up, I have to fulfill what God wants,” Hector explains.

Due to his condition, Hector’s ministry through Bible Storytelling is on pause. But those he has impacted are the physical extension of his work and living testaments to the many ways God continues to use this Nicaraguan chief. 

We are so thankful to God extending Hector’s days, even when death seemed so close. Please pray for Hector’s full recovery and for God to continue to use him among his people, now with an even deeper testimony of His goodness and grace.


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