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Writer's pictureOneWay

Immersed in ministry

15 young adults helped reach people this summer through media, music and evangelism

A brand new Scripture song album, 10 Prayercast videos, several donor resources and an evangelistic Bible study are among the many projects created by OneWay’s 15 summer interns, who wrapped up two months of intensive ministry experience last week.

“We’re so thankful that you’re here. You’re an answer to prayer,” said David Morrill, OneWay’s Chief Operating Officer.

From producing print, online and video content to doing street evangelism, all of the work they completed this summer furthered OneWay’s mission of helping people reach people.

“It's a great opportunity to be able to use the technical skills I have to further the Kingdom,” said Wilson McMillan, a video production intern who attends Wheaton College.

Interns chose from a variety of tracks based on their interests and skill sets and were paired with a corresponding department at OneWay’s ministry center in Aurora. They came in with varying levels of professional experience, and OneWay staff focused on training interns professionally and spiritually.

“I had very little experience with video editing — almost zero, and this internship definitely pushed me beyond what I thought I could do with videography,” said Bohuie Lee, a graphic design intern from Lafayette, IN.

As she learned videography skills, Lee also learned the blessings of community.

The first thing that struck her about the group was “how beautiful everyone was inside and out,” Lee said. “You helped me know what it’s like to laugh without being laughed at, to dance without anyone watching, and to cry without being shamed.”

“I’m super grateful that OneWay cares about you as a person,” said Andrew Neal, an audio production intern. He also emphasized the importance of professional experience in OneWay’s internship model.

“Here, they ask you how to fix the problems,” Neal said. “It’s a collaboration.”

Collaborating with Advancement staff, four interns grew in their communication, photography and design skills as they shot and edited hundreds of photos, designed donor resources, created social media content and wrote ministry stories and spiritual reflections for our blog.

A main focus of their summer was promoting a campaign to expand OneWay’s ability to activate young adults for ministry. Through their faithful work, God provided $30,000 to expand our young adult program!

Under the guidance of evangelism and outreach staff, two other interns spent the summer stretching their gifts for evangelism through special events and sharing the gospel online and on the street.

When he heard he would be street evangelizing, intern Shema Innocent’s initial thought was that he wouldn’t learn anything new. Innocent, a senior at Moody Bible Institute and a native of Rwanda, often evangelizes in Chicago and in his home country. But after his first meeting with track leaders, he was blown away by their wisdom.

“God has taught me so much through Heart Bible [curriculum] and [the evangelism and outreach staff],” Innocent shared.

Their work will continue to help reach people even after the summer internship.

A Bible study resource will help young adults practically interact with scripture and an event planned for next summer will help young adults in Chicagoland reach the community with the gospel.

Likewise, nine interns and a year-long resident created music and media that will help guide prayer and worship for years to come. They created 10 Prayercast videos focusing on intentional prayer for the nations and produced several podcast episodes and a summer documentary. The audio and video production team also wrote and recorded songs for an album based on scripture and filmed a music video.

The OneWay team is excited to see where God leads these young adults in the future.

“I am excited that I’m leaving,” Innocent agreed, “because I feel like I have so much in me … I can’t wait to share what I have learned with the world and carry out the Great Commission.”


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