Get to know the OneWay team! We’re introducing you to interns who will work behind the scenes at OneWay this summer to help Reach People.

College: Wheaton College
Graduation Year: 2023
Major: Anthropology
OneWay Track: Development and Donor Relations
A little overwhelmed with the prospect of figuring out what her plans after graduating from college would be, Elizabeth Mott prayed that God would use the people He put in her path to direct her to her next steps. She connected with OneWay staff members at Wheaton College’s student center and learned about internship options that would fit with her Anthropological training and her work with the school’s Donation Call Center.
Elizabeth will use those experiences to work with OneWay’s Development team to connect with, appreciate and serve our ministry partners, helping research and strategize ways to grow our partnerships.
She prays that God will use her knowledge and skills for His glory this summer while giving her insight into her future.
In her free time, Elizabeth loves reading fiction, especially fantasy. Narnia has been a favorite of hers since she was young.
Join us in welcoming Elizabeth to OneWay!
Learn more about how Elizabeth will help people reach people at