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NIKO'S STORY: Journey of Surrender

Monique Koszty

This former intern now uses his top-notch skills as OneWay’s Video Director to create Prayercast resources and more through OneWay Studios. Niko’s Kingdom mindset is an inspiration. Here’s his story:

Niko grew up as a missionary kid in Papua New Guinea. As a creative, he possessed an appreciation for art and found a combination of various elements of art within film. Since his high school days, Niko has wanted to be involved in this kind of work.

He became involved in OneWay’s internship program while studying film at Taylor University and soon developed a burden for people working within Hollywood.

“I did two summer internships at OneWay,” Niko explains. “During those times, God really imprinted His love for people on my heart.”

Niko also participated in some Hollywood internships. He intended to move to L.A. and become a filmmaker while making a difference in the lives of those around him.

Despite this, he applied to work at OneWay as a video editor for Prayercast during his senior year. He was hesitant and says that OneWay felt like a back-up option. Still, God spoke to him.

“The only reason you don’t want to go into ministry is because you’re afraid of support raising. You’re afraid that I’m not going to provide for you. If I provide for you, if I tell you I will provide everything you need, will you go?”

As Niko trusted God to provide, he surrendered his fear and joined OneWay. Now, he uses his skills to mobilize prayer through video and to tell stories of God at work all around the world.

It wasn’t until he traveled abroad with a coworker to capture one such story that Niko realized God was combining his desires to encourage and affirm people with his passion for art and filmmaking.

“I just remember thinking, if I was doing this for the rest of my life, that could be okay,” he recalls. “Ultimately, the most important stories are stories of what God is doing in people, what God is doing through people’s lives.”

Niko says he not only sees people inspired by the films he makes, but finds personal inspiration through these stories.

Praise God for raising up Niko for the Great Commission through the OneWay Studios team. May God continue to empower him for this work and provide for his every need along the way.


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