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Reaching Africa for Christ

Students from nine nations trained in evangelism

After a month of intensive training, OneWay Africa sent out 27 students from nine African countries to reach people with the gospel.

Their four-week training at the Livingstone School of Missions included courses on subjects like church planting, theology of missions, support raising, Islam and language learning.

“For the first time in my life, I have a burning desire for soul winning,” said Grace Obi, a student from Cameroon.

In addition to their theological training, the students took a mission trip to central Ghana to put what they learned into practice. In partnering with new church plants, 1,602 people heard the Gospel with 655 of them accepting Christ as their savior.

Out of the 655 saved, many were Muslims and one was an animistic priest! There was even an entire family that chose to follow Christ as a direct result of their father’s choice to do so.

In addition to repeatedly watching God perform the miracle of salvation, the students saw multiple healings, including a man who, after being prayed for, received instant healing from deafness. One woman, convicted by the Gospel message, approached the team in tears and received deep emotional healing after accepting Christ.

“LSM has given me more zeal and passion for lost souls,” said Hannah Bonah, a student from Sierra Leon. “Everyday, by God’s Grace, I will tell someone about Jesus.”

In previous years, students have slept outside in tents because the OneWay Africa team didn’t have space to house them all in the Philip Center. With the purchase of the new Philip Center West in 2021, all of the students could sleep comfortably on site this year. We are thankful for generous partners who made it possible to purchase the expanded ministry space.

Out of the 27 students participating in Livingstone School of Mission’s one-month program, one student was called to be a missionary in China, one in Pakistan, and 17 of them have committed to participate in LSM’s one-year intensive Diploma in Missions program.

The students left with a deepened desire to win souls for Christ and care for believers. Please pray for them as they return to their home countries. Many of them are planning to pursue full-time ministry or return to LSM for the one-year program.


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