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How one man came to Christ through a website

You can’t sleep. 

The beliefs you have held all of your life have become hollow and your religion feels restricting and full of lies. You live in constant turmoil and confusion. However, you feel at peace when you read about Christianity. You want to learn more, but in your country, being a Christian can have heavy consequences.

As you lie in bed, you pull out your phone and use the one thing you can trust to help you: the internet. You type “Christianity” in the search bar. At the top of the results, you see an ad with a cross and “how to become a Christian.” You tap.

You are led to a website page with a presentation of a gospel. After reading it, you click the chat bubble in the corner and begin messaging a Christian chat operator. That chat operator is part of a digital evangelism movement made up of multiple ministries, field missionaries, designers, donors and many more who have worked hard to share Christ with you. Everyone is excited by your little click.

In another part of the world, an intern named Dawson is sitting at a desk, working to connect seekers with local missionaries through digital ads and web design. As an intern on OneWay’s Digital Evangelism Team, one of his first assignments is to find images that connect to ads and help draw in seekers like you.

Recently, Dawson learned that someone in the Middle East found a webpage he helped design. Through the webpage, Mehrab*, a seeker from a closed country in the Middle East, read the gospel story, connected with a missionary online, Faith*, and accepted Christ. [Read the life-transforming conversation in their own words below.]

Praise God for how He is moving in hard to reach areas as donors, missionaries, designers and ministries unite, using technology to spread the Gospel! Please pray for the work of the Digital Evangelism team and the ministries they collaborate with. Ask God to prepare the seekers' hearts and lead them to those who can help them find Jesus at last. 

*Name changed for security.

Help more people find Christ online by supporting the ministry of Sparrow* as he leads OneWay's Digital Evangelism team.

1 comentário

19 de jun.

Praise Jesus!

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